Monthly Archives: July 2011

The Tipping Point in America’s Obesity Epidemic

Ten years ago, no state had an obesity rate above 24 percent, and now 43 states have higher obesity rates than the state that was the highest in 2000. - F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future 2011.

Health Law Bolsters Funding for In-School Clinics

School-based health centers go beyond the services of a school nurse. They are clinics that provide primary care to students, and often mental health and dental care as well. For some kids their school clinic doctor or nurse practitioner...

Child’s Play: It’s a Social Justice Issue

Play offers children a unique opportunity to face social justice issues head on, while also providing them space to work through a myriad of scenarios that highlight just how aware children are of the disparities we face.

Must We Bend the Health Care Employment Curve?

If health care jobs had simply stayed constant since the start of the recession, there would be 2.2 million more Americans out of work today and the unemployment rate would be 10.6 percent versus 9.2 percent.

The Rhinestone Cowboy Shows Us the Way

Glen Campbell’s decision to put a face on Alzheimer's by continuing to tour is a mark of real courage and heart. Not many celebrities let us come so close.

Medicare Spending Tug of War Continues

"Granny" is in the health policy crosshairs yet again. This time, it’s the Independent Payment Advisory Board that will theoretically unplug her, ration her, or sink her with the Titanic.

Informed Choices: A Critical Responsibility for Health Care Consumers

Did you know that doctors make different treatment choices for themselves than they recommend to their patients?