Monthly Archives: September 2009

Message to the Senate Finance Committee: More Dynamism, Less Politicking

Sen. Max Baucus’s America’s Healthy Future Act of 2009 has received a tepid reception from Democrats and Republicans alike. That’s precisely because Sen. Baucus’s bill embodies compromise, mutual conciliation, and moderation. While...

How Much Should We Really Spend on Preventive Care?

In a past news conference on health care reform, President Obama suggested that proposed reform measures “will cover preventive care like checkups and mammograms that save lives and money.” This claim reflects a common argument in the...

Cheap Political Victories and End of Life Care: A Better End for Anyone?

As if just talking about dying weren’t hard enough for most of us, now comes the disinformation campaign about end-of-life care discussions waged by opponents of health care reform. Let’s be clear and set the facts straight for any...