Howard Rosen graduated with an MBA (International Finance & Marketing) and spent the past 25 years producing over $100 million of feature films and television programs. It was while working on an interactive DVD on Type II Diabetes that led Howard to his interest in developing/inventing Life:WIRE®, a patent pending technology designed to foster patient engagement pairing interactive mobile technology with content.
A knowledge leader in the mobile health industry Howard has played a pioneering role in the use of mobile technology and patient engagement. He has spoken at numerous conferences on innovation and patient engagement. Howard has a unique perspective in the area of engagement having previously been a prominent figure in the North American entertainment industry, having played a leadership role in the strategic, development and management aspects of the sector in both the traditional and digital media environments.
LifeWIRE’s clients include the Hazelden Foundation, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA, US Federal Dept of Health and Human Service), State of California Dept of Health, the Veterans Administration and The Pathway Home (wounded warriors)
Outside of the this environment Howard developed a 12-month 48 course film & television college curriculum, courses on digital distribution entitled “How to Compete with Free”, and provides seminars on Creative Thinking for the corporate world. And sometimes he even gets a chance to sleep.