Janice Lynch Schuster

Janice Lynch Schuster has written extensively about improving care at the end of life. With Joanne Lynn, she coauthored two books on quality improvement for end of life care: Improving Care for the End of Life: A Sourcebook for Healthcare Managers; and Clinicians and A Common Sense Guide to Improving End of Life Care (both from Oxford). Currently a Senior Writer with Altarum Institute, Schuster’s past work includes serving as Director of Communications for Americans for Better Care of the Dying. Her work has been widely published and is often featured in The Washington Post. She has received several blue pencil awards for her work with the National Institute on Aging.
Your 80-year-old mother, who can’t recognize you due to severe Alzheimer’s dementia, has developed pneumonia after being hospitalized with a broken hip.
A few days into my 68-year old father’s hospitalization for sepsis, his doctors determined the strain of bacteria that plagued him: streptococcus.
“Care transitions” is the new buzzword in efforts to improve health, improve care and reduce costs.
Heath Care Poll
Resource Spotlight
Handbook for Mortals
This new edition of the handbook, first published in 1999, provides practical, straight-forward advice for those dealing with serious illness.