Antigone Dempsey

Antigone Dempsey has more than 19 years of experience in HIV/AIDS program management, organizational leadership, technical assistance, and consensus-based strategic partnership building. She has experience in HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment programming services, and the co-occurring issues such as addictions and recovery. She was recently selected to serve as a Special Government Employee for the CDC/HRSA Advisory Committee on HIV and STD Prevention and Treatment (CHAC).
For more than 15 years, Ms. Dempsey has held senior management positions on multimillion-dollar grants and cooperative agreements for various U.S. Department of Health and Human Services agencies. She has policy development experience as a contributor to the development of the 1996 Office of National AIDS Policy’s Youth & HIV/AIDS: An American Agenda, where she helped shape policy to address this issue on a national level. She directed the Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) funded technical assistance project, Supporting Networks of Care by Enhancing Primary Medical Care, targeted to faith- and community-based organizations and clinical sites.
Issues related to prevention, counseling, testing and referral and linkages to care for vulnerable populations of young people, people of color, and women have been at the forefront of her work. She is dedicated to convening managing and providing expert technical assistance and trainings and is skilled at facilitating collaborative, multidisciplinary partnerships.
At Altarum, Ms. Dempsey supports the technical assistance contract with the CSAT Recovery Community Services Program by coordinating technical assistance for grantees. The assistance includes board development, organizational and program design, program training for recovery support services, curricula development, staff development trainings, linkages and memorandum’s of understanding consultations, grants compliance, and financial systems and budgets. Utilizing her expertise in strategic planning and partnering, Ms. Dempsey facilitates all these processes with both grantees’ management and staff of all levels, including related meetings.
Ms. Dempsey has a bachelors degree from from California Institute of Integral Studies and a Masters of Education from George Washington University.
The alarm is sounding. Today, more Americans are dying from viral hepatitis than HIV/AIDS!
As Dr.
Heath Care Poll
Resource Spotlight
Handbook for Mortals
This new edition of the handbook, first published in 1999, provides practical, straight-forward advice for those dealing with serious illness.