Karah Mantinan, MPH, RD

Karah Mantinan is the deputy director of Altarum's Center for Healthy Child and Youth Development and a senior associate in Policy, Planning, and Evaluation at Altarum Institute. Within the Center, she manages a portfolio of partnerships and initiatives designed to evaluate, research, and assist efforts that seek to improve child, family, and systems outcomes related to healthy child and youth development. Current Center projects include evaluation of the New State Department of Health’s Eat Well Play Hard in Family Day Care Homes project; the Promoting Positive Parenting intervention with partner National Association of County and City Health Officials; and evaluation of the YMCA of the USA’s commitment to the Partnership for a Healthier America to improve nutrition and physical activity standards in early childhood and after school programs. The Center recently led development of the Early Childhood Track for the Partnership for a Healthier America’s Building a Healthier Future Summit.
Ms. Mantinan also manages several evaluation studies for the Michigan Department of Community Health that focus on the built environment, school nutrition standards, Complete Streets policy change, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education.
Ms. Mantinan holds an M.P.H. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a B.S. in nutritional sciences from Michigan State University. She is also a Registered Dietitian.
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