Health Care Polls
Should Congress continue to fund the Public Health and Prevention Fund rather than use the money for other purposes?

Would you consider switching doctors if you found out you could save money by changing your primary care doctor?

How comfortable would you be asking your doctor about how much your treatment will cost?
Very comfortable
40% (54 votes)
Somewhat comfortable
24% (32 votes)
Somewhat uncomfortable
23% (31 votes)
Very uncomfortable
13% (18 votes)
Total votes: 135

In the past 12 months, did you look for information about ratings of doctor quality before choosing where to go?
63% (52 votes)
37% (31 votes)
Total votes: 83

Have you ever asked how much your visit would cost BEFORE going to the doctor?
35% (33 votes)
65% (62 votes)
Total votes: 95

What role would you prefer to play in important decisions about your medical treatment?
To be completely in charge of my decisions.
2% (1 vote)
To make the final decision with some input from doctors and other experts.
57% (24 votes)
To make a joint decision with equal input from my doctor.
19% (8 votes)
My doctor to make the decisions, with input from me.
19% (8 votes)
The doctor to be completely in charge of treatment decisions.
2% (1 vote)
Total votes: 42